[This text first appeared in greek here.]
Since the creation of the Initiative for the Civil Action of the Antifascist Movement and the website jailgoldendawn.com, we set as a goal to achieve the greatest possible publicity regarding the criminal actions of the Nazi organization Golden Dawn.
In two and a half years since October 2013, we have now established a systematic and reliable data pool, based on:
a. the judicial investigation of the case of the “criminal organization” and of separate cases involving members and leaders of Golden Dawn,
b. the journalistic investigation, which in many cases is done by research groups which dealt for many years with the issue of the violence of Nazi Golden Dawn,
c. the work and research of our team, with a constant effort to utilize the existing material and further document the action of those who want to fight against the fascist threat, either as individuals or as collectivities.
As a result of this additional effort, the criminal actions of Golden Dawn are now impossible to deny. It is indeed important for us that all this material is concentrated in one site, to be easily accessible and readable, not under the risk of vanishing (due to, for example, changes in parent pages, hence our decision to reprint the texts) and constantly updated with new information.
Of course we knew from the outset that this effort will not pass unnoticed by those affected by it and that there will be attempts at muzzling, which have proved to be the case. For example, we point to:
a. the attempt to muzzle the free speech of the civil action lawyers with “calls” by defense lawyers in the court-room to “stop the inflammatory public speeches”.
b. the targeting of lawyers of the civil action using the incident created by members of the Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei during the fourth hearing (05.15.2015), namely the defense lawyers’ for the Nazi organisation statement in the media about an “episode organized by civil action lawyers”. Furthermore, an alleged intention of defense lawyers to appeal to the Disciplinary Board of the Athens Bar Association was published on the occasion of this false allegation, an action that finally never materialized.
c. the appeal by the lawyer of defendant Efstathios Boukouras Vassiliki Pantazi against the civil action lawyer Thanasis Kampagiannis, before the Disciplinary Board of the Athens Bar Association for other alleged cause. The report eventually was filed by the President of the Association as unsubstantiated.
d. the multiple electronic attacks against jailgoldendawn.com website, which sometimes resulted in the “falling” of the page, as its shielding requires financial resources that our initiative does not have.
e. the lawsuit recently filed against the administrator of the jailgoldendawn.com website for libel by the Defencenet publisher Georgios Frangoulis, for the amount of fifty thousand (50,000) euros, for republishing an article of the newspaper “Ethnos” (the truth of which is confirmed by the wording of the lawsuit itself).
For some of these issues it is sure we will have to bother you again in the future. At present, what is needed is to inform our readers and publicise the issues discussed. The appeal for financial aid is permanently posted on our website and its success is the only guarantee that the site will remain open and the civil action will carry through its work, in the courtroom, and outside of it.
The only thing for certain is that none of this will deter us from achieving the target we originally laid, which is justice for the victims of the Nazi/racist violent crimes and imprisonment of their perpetrators and instigators.